Saturday, July 10, 2004

Hey pervert!

Yes, you. As in: The one who came to this site after doing a web search for "wife of MLB player with tits." Don't you know it's wrong to objectify women based solely on their physical attributes? Anyway, since I can't finger the culprit by doing a web search for "random time-waster with limp penis," I might as well give you what you want. You might be talking about Kris Benson's wife, a model who's been in the news lately for making the Yankees front office wary of trading for her husband because of fears that she'll continue to discuss her wonderful sex life (and that of other players' wives) on the radio. But, nah, you're dirty. You're looking for images to fill out your virtual stroke book. You, my callous reader, hunger for a shot of Jose Lima's wife, who was later cropped out of this image on MLB's website after a spike in network traffic. There. And wipe the keyboard down when you're done, ok, pal?

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